The Peoples Choice in Local Government in Christchurch New Zealand

Environment Canterbury Candidates

The People’s Choice Candidates for Ecan

  • Kia ora my name is Brynlea and I was born and raised in Christchurch. I’m standing for the Regional Council to represent those who are concerned about our future. The outcomes of the plans decided today will influence what kind of future we will inherit.

    I have a Bachelor of Sustainability and Outdoor Education, have worked as a Compliance Monitor and Planner at ECan and I’m an active member of the Christchurch West Melton Water Zone Committee.

    For too long we have prioritised economic growth at the expense of the environment. I will work to develop long-term solutions to climate change and other environmental challenges. Let’s create a Canterbury where everyone has access to clean drinking water, swimmable rivers and where cycling and buses are a viable alternative to cars.

    With your support I will work for a resilient Canterbury for now and future generations.

  • I am running as a way to give back to the environment and people that have sustained my life here in Canterbury. Healthy waterways and wildlife, action on climate change, excellent public transport and engaged communities will help Canterbury achieve a positive future.

    After completing a BSc at Canterbury University, I worked in conservation, tourism and on farms. I completed a PhD at Lincoln University and worked as a scientist at Manaaki Whenua/ Landcare Research in a range of programmes.

    I now run a small research business, and work in community development in Addington and Halswell, because our changing times need strong, resilient, adaptable communities. I am part of volunteer communities working on environmental issues, both locally and nationally.

    I have the experience to work constructively at the council table to drive progress towards a healthy environment and will work hard to do this with your vote.

  • I care deeply about Canterbury and its future. I am Christchurch born and raised and have been involved in environmental action within our community for over 20 years. I am a current ECan Councillor, a qualified RMA Commissioner and have led restoration efforts across our region, including with Te Ara Kākāriki and Te Kākahu Kahukura - both of which I Co-chair.

    I’m a father and am compelled to help protect our unique natural and cultural heritage to provide a secure future for our children. This requires us to continue to address the state of our waterways and biodiversity, and face up to the challenges of a changing climate – through mitigation and adaptation.

    I am determined to continue on Council to see through the review and strengthening of our regional plans, which is key to protecting and enhancing our environment, ki uta, ki tai - from the mountains to the sea.

  • I will place the health of our water and our community at the forefront of my decision making and will prioritise action on light rail and climate resilience. I will work for increased funding for tree planting projects and an affordable and accessible public transport system that reduces congestion on roads. 

    I was head boy at Linwood College through the 2011 earthquakes where I worked with our community to look after our students and families. I have experience as an elected Community Board Member at the Council and have qualifications in health sciences and web design and am a self-employed designer and contractor. 

    I’ve spoken to many households throughout this campaign that want the basics done right and our children and grandchildren to inherit a natural and liveable environment. With your support I will work for a resilient Canterbury for now and for future generations.